[E01500] 나노생물학
[E01500] 나노생물학
개설 | 20132학기
대상 | 자연과학대학 생명과학부 4학년 / 전공선택과목 [3학점]
교수 | 정수월
조회 1829 | 다운로드 939
The application of nanotechnology in life sciences, nanobiotechnology, is already having an impact on diagnostics
and drug delivery. Nanobiotechnology is starting to be used in the field of drug discovery. Nanoparticles and
nonodevices are used to improve drug discovery and development. Nanoscale assays can contribute significantly
to cost-saving in screening compaigns. In addition, some nanosubstances could be potential drugs for the
future. Future prospects for the application of nanotechnology in healthcare and for the development of
personalized medicine appear to be excellent.
Establish the interaction between biomaterials and human tissues
주요 학습내용 및 수업진행방법
Question and answer
학습 성과 평가방법
출석: 10 %, 중간고사: 40%, 기말고사: 40%. 퀴즈10%
교재 및 참고문헌
An Introduction to tissue-biomaterial interactions, Kay C. Dee et al. (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002)
제공하는 자료들의 만족도를 평가해 주십시오.