[E01129] 일반화학I
> 교육과정 > 공과대학 > 건설환경공학부
[E01129] 일반화학I
개설 | 20141학기
대상 | 공과대학 건설환경공학부 1학년 / 기초필수과목 [3학점]
교수 | 맬램패테 쉬나이베세 레디
조회 3649 | 다운로드 1407
주요 학습내용 및 수업진행방법
To develop an understanding of the atomic and molecular nature of matter and of the chemical reactions that describe their transformations.
To develop individual and collaborative quantitative skills necessary to solve chemical problems using the concepts of balanced chemical reactions, stoichiometry, and chemical equilibrium.
To gain an understanding of the properties of matter in the gas phase.
To gain an understanding of acids and bases and their reactivity in aqueous solutions.
To gain an understanding of the periodic table as an organizing concept of chemical properties.
Develop an appreciation for the relevance of chemistry in our daily lives;
Improve analytical and problem solving skills;
Understand the beauty of chemistry.
학습 성과 평가방법
교재 및 참고문헌
1. Chemistry, The Central Science, 12th Edition
제공하는 자료들의 만족도를 평가해 주십시오.