[G03042] 프로그래밍및연...
> 교육과정 > 공과대학 > 조선해양공학부
[G03042] 프로그래밍및연습
개설 | 20112학기
대상 | 공과대학 조선해양공학부 1학년 / 전공필수과목 [3학점]
교수 | 안형택
조회 3129 | 다운로드 1129
This class is intended to introduce (i) the concept of algorithm for problem solving, (ii) the basic programming skills for using C/C++ and (iii) enhance students' problem solving ability by solving various engineering problems using the computers. The lecture is composed of two parts: first the power-point presentation of programming styles and techniques and the second part of programming practice. Biweekly programming homework will be given to the students by individual basis. Two class project, relatively large programming homework, will be given twice a semester, namely midterm and final projects.
Objective: This class is intended to (i) introduce the basic programming skills for using C/C++ and (ii) enhance students' problem solving ability by solving various engineering problems using the computers.
주요 학습내용 및 수업진행방법
이론, 전산 실습
학습 성과 평가방법
중간고사 30%, 기말고사 30%, 과제 20%, Term Project 10% 출석 10%
교재 및 참고문헌
C++ Primer Plus (5th Edition) by Stephen Prata (Paperback - Nov 25, 2004)
제공하는 자료들의 만족도를 평가해 주십시오.