[B01366] 영문법II
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[B01366] 영문법II
개설 | 20092학기
대상 | 인문대학 영어영문학과 1학년 / 전공선택과목 [2학점]
교수 | 고인수
조회 3896 | 다운로드 999
1주차 * 교재 및 교과목 소개
Unit 66 - 68
66. Countable and Uncountable Nouns(1)
67. Countable and Uncountable Nouns(2)
68. Countable Nouns With a/an and some (학습내용 보기)
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2주차 Unit 69- 73
69. A/an and the
70. The (1)
71. The (2)
72. The (3)
73. The (4) (학습내용 보기)
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3주차 Unit 74 - 78
74. Name With and Without the (1)
75. Name With and Without the (2)
76. Singular and Plural
77. Noun+ Noun
78. -'s(the girl's name) and of... (학습내용 보기)
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4주차 Unit 79 - 83
79. Myself/yourself/themselves, etc.
80. A friend of mine, My own house, By myself
81. There... and It
82. Some and any
83. No/none/any Nothing/nobody, etc. (학습내용 보기)
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5주차 Unit 84 - 88
84. Much, many,little,few, a lot, plenty
85. All/all of, most/most of, etc.
86. Both/both of, neither/neither of, etc.
87. All, every, and whole
88. Each and every (학습내용 보기)
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6주차 Unit 89 - 93
89. Relative Clauses(1)
90. Relative Clauses(2)
91. Relative Clauses(3)
92. Relative Clauses(4)
93. Relative Clauses(5) (학습내용 보기)
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7주차 Unit 94 - 98
94. -ing and -ed Phrases
95. Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed
96. Adjectives: Word order
97. Adjectives and adverbs (2)
98. Adjectives and adverbs (2) (학습내용 보기)
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8주차 Mid-term Exam
범위: Units 66 - 98 (학습내용 보기)
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9주차 Unit 99 - 103
99. So and Such
100. Enough and too
101. Comparison (1)
102. Comparison (2)
103. Comparison (3) (학습내용 보기)
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10주차 Unit 104 - 108
104. Superatives
105. Worder order (1)
106. Worder Order (2)
107. Still, yet and already
108. Even (학습내용 보기)
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11주차 Unit 109 - 113
109. Although/though/even though
110. In case
111. Unless As long as
112. As
113. Like and as (학습내용 보기)
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12주차 Unit 114 - 118
114. As if, as though, and like
115. For, during, and while
116. By and until
117. Prepositions: At/on/in
118. On time/in time, at the end/in the end (학습내용 보기)
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13주차 Unit 119 - 125
119. In/at/on (1)
120. In/at/on (2)
121. In/at/on (3)
122. To/at/in/into
123. On/in/at
124. By
125. Noun + Preposition (학습내용 보기)
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14주차 Unit 126 - 133
126. Adjective + Preposition (1)
127. Adjective + Preposition (2)
128. Verb + Preposition (1)
129. Verb + Preposition (2)
130. Verb + Preposition (3)
131. Verb + Preposition (4)
132. Verb + Preposition (5)
133. Phrasal Verbs (학습내용 보기)
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15주차 Unit 130-133 & Review (학습내용 보기)
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16주차 Final Exam. (학습내용 보기)
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