[G00380] 선박운동과조종
> 교육과정 > 공과대학 > 조선해양공학부
[G00380] 선박운동과조종
개설 | 20092학기
대상 | 공과대학 조선해양공학부 3학년 / 전공선택과목 [3학점]
교수 | 윤범상
조회 3834 | 다운로드 5194
1주차 Simple harmonic waves (i)
- mathematical formulation (LE and BC)
- solution for deep water and finite depth water (학습내용 보기)
강의자료 |  과제 | - 시험 |  동영상 | - 다운로드 | 597
2주차 Simple harmonic waves (ii)
- wave characteristics
⋅wave velocity
⋅wave particle motion
⋅wave pressure
⋅wave energy
⋅wave force (Froude-Frylov force) (학습내용 보기)
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3주차 Basic theory of ship motions
- diffraction problem
- radiation problem
- added mass and damping
- review of second order of ODE (학습내용 보기)
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4주차 Vertical motions (i)
- OSM (Ordinary Strip Method)
- hydrodynamic forces
- forces acting on a strip
- heave~pitch coupling equations (학습내용 보기)
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5주차 Vertical motions (ii)
- solution technique
- analysis of heave, pitch responses in frequency
- associated responses (added resistance, wave
loads) (학습내용 보기)
강의자료 |  과제 | - 시험 | - 동영상 | - 다운로드 | 754
6주차 Horizontal motions
- hydrodynamic forces and moments
- sway~yaw~roll coupling equations
- solution and analysis in frequency domain(RAO)
- anti-rolling devices
- free roll and forced roll experiments
- brief explanation of parametric roll
- associated responses (nonlinear roll, wave loads) (학습내용 보기)
강의자료 |  과제 | - 시험 | - 동영상 | - 다운로드 | 420
7주차 Motion related responses and Topics
(Brief explanation about)
- slamming and hydro-elasticity
- nonlinear ship motion theory
- numerical and experimental tools for obtaining
hydrodynamic forces and moments (학습내용 보기)
강의자료 |  과제 | - 시험 | - 동영상 | - 다운로드 | 189
8주차 Midterm Exam (학습내용 보기)
강의자료 |  과제 | - 시험 | - 동영상 | - 다운로드 | 317
9주차 Statistical representation of ocean waves(i)
-probability,probability, density Rayleigh distribution (학습내용 보기)
강의자료 |  과제 | - 시험 | - 동영상 | - 다운로드 | 496
10주차 Statistical representation of ocean waves(ii)
- wave spectrum
- design wave (학습내용 보기)
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11주차 Ship motion in irregular waves
- various RAO's
- motion spectrum
- application to design (학습내용 보기)
강의자료 |  과제 | - 시험 | - 동영상 | - 다운로드 | 243
12주차 Equations of ship maneuvering
- translation
- rotation
- hydrodynamic forces & PMM test
- works by MMG group
- IMO rule
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13주차 Ship maneuverability
- course keeping stability
- turning stability
-turning stability of ship w/o course keepability (Hysterisis loop) (학습내용 보기)
강의자료 |  과제 | - 시험 | - 동영상 | - 다운로드 | 204
14주차 Response due to rudder control
- system analysis
-Laplace transform and transfer function (학습내용 보기)
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15주차 Maneuverability parameters
-amplitude and phase characteristics
- K,T analysis
- Zig~Zag test
- sea trial test
-calculated examples and comparisons (학습내용 보기)
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16주차 Final exam (학습내용 보기)
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